地球系统科学论坛第540期:雪城大学Christopher Junium博士学术报告会
应mg电子试玩 罗根明副教授邀请,雪城大学Christopher Junium博士来校访问并做学术报告。
报告题目:Oceanic Anoxic Events, nutrients and our future: Perspectives from the Cretaceous
Dr. Christopher K. Junium is an Assistant Professor of Earth Science at Syracuse University. He received his Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University and joined the faculty at Syracuse University in 2012. Dr. Junium’s research utilizes stable isotopes of organic matter, specific compounds and biominerals to questions of paleoclimate, Earth’s redox evolution, paleoecology and biogeochemical cycling from the Archean to modern time frames. He is particularly interested in the geochemistry of nitrogen and the development of techniques for the analysis nitrogen isotopes in a wide range of phases. His researches have been published in Science, EPSL, GCA and other famous journals. In this talk, Dr. Junium will talk about oceanic anoxic events with the insights from Cretaceous.