


Research Field

Department of Earth Materials

Ma Changqian

[email protected]

Granite geology, magmatic dynamics and deep processes, Igneous rock petrology and geochemistry, magmatism and metallogenic relations, rock geotectonics and plate tectonics, History of Geological Sciences and Higher Geological education

Zhu Yunhai

[email protected]

Digital geological survey, ophiolite, magmatite

Zheng Jianping

[email protected]

Lithosphere evolution, magmatism and deep processes, deep processes and shallow responses

Zhou Hanwen

[email protected]

Precambrian geology and metamorphic geology, orogen evolution, geological disaster regional geoscience background

Zhang Ning

[email protected]

Sedimentary petrology, carbonate microfacies analysis

Zhao Junhong

[email protected]

Crust-mantle evolution in South China; Petrology and geochemistry of magmatic rocks

Liu Rong

[email protected]

Metamorphic fluid and metamorphism, mixed lithification

She Zhenbing

[email protected]

Precambrian geobiology and astrobiology

Wang Guoqing

[email protected]

Marine sedimentary geology;carbonate and siliceous sedimentary geology

Su Yuping

[email protected]

Formation and evolution of central Asian orogenic belt, basalts and their xenoliths

Zhao Shanrong

[email protected]

Crystal symmetry theory, mineral crystal chemistry, crystal growth and morphology

Bian Qiujuan

[email protected]


Zhong Yufang

[email protected]

Petrogeochemistry; Genetic mineralogy

Li Yi Long

[email protected]

The structure and tectonic evolution of the Central Asian orogenic belt and the Qilian-Qinling orogenic belt;the Archean crust-mantle interaction of the North China Craton;Archean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic evolution of the Yangtze Craton

Yin Ke

[email protected]

Clay mineralogy, gemology

Luo Biji

[email protected]

Igneous magmatism, mineralization and evolution

Wang Wei

[email protected]

Sedimentary basin; A study of Precambrian geological events

Wang Lianxun

[email protected]

Research of halogen elements (F-Cl-Br-I) in magmatic rocks;alkaline-peralkaline magmatic rocks, igneous carbonate rocks and rare earth metal mineralization, highly differentiated granites, granitic pegmatite and rare metal mineralization

Chen Ming

[email protected]

Geochemical dynamic background and crust-mantle material exchange mechanism of magmatism in subduction zone, sedimentary basin evolution of orogenic belt, accretive orogeny of Central Asian orogenic belt and paleogeographic reconstruction

Xia Bin

[email protected]

Metamorphic petrology and metamorphic chronology, phase equilibrium modeling, metamorphism and orogenic evolution

Ping Xianquan

[email protected]

Composition and evolution of the lower crust, alkaline rocks and granites, mossbauer spectrometer and its application

Zhou Xiang

zhouxianggeology@ hotmail .com

Mantle petrology

Liu Penglei

[email protected]

High pressure uhp metamorphic rocks;fluid properties and behavior of the subduction zone petrology;deep earth carbon cycle experiment;dynamic metamorphic rock

Li Botao

[email protected]

Metamorphic rocks, including high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism, metamorphic chronology, metamorphic element distribution and formation and evolution of subduction zone terranes.

Ma Qiang

[email protected]

Genesis of magmatic rocks, evolution of continental crust, destruction of North China Craton

Chen Huawei

[email protected]

Mineral physics

Zhu Feng

[email protected]

Storage and circulation of carbon, hydrogen and other volatile components in the deep earth, light elements in the Earth and planetary nuclei, phase transformation and physical properties of iron-aluminum-rich Bridgmanite in the lower mantle, and perovskite type minerals

Department of Geochemistry

Yu Chongwen

[email protected]

Geochemical dynamics, ore deposit geochemistry

Zhang Hongfei

[email protected]

Magmatic geochemistry and lithosphere evolution in the Tibetan Plateau

Hu Shenghong

[email protected]

LA-ICP-MS microanalysis, ICP-MS immunoanalysis, and epigenetic geochemical environmental markers

Xiang Wu

[email protected]

Wetland environment research, soil/groundwater pollution investigation and remediation, unconventional exploration and new methods and technologies

Ling Wenli

[email protected]

Early Precambrian geological evolution; Neoproterozoic tectono-magmatic events in South China; Indosinian magmatic events and tectonic evolution in South China

Liu Yongsheng

[email protected]

Trace element geochemistry, LA-ICP-MS analysis of elements and isotopes, crust-mantle material exchange and deep earth carbon cycle

Wu Yuanbao

[email protected]

High-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism, orogenic processes and crustal formation and evolution, isotope geochemistry, Precambrian geology

Xie Shuyun

[email protected]

Agricultural geochemistry, oil and gas reservoir heterogeneity, exploration geochemistry

Ren Limin

[email protected]

Exploration geochemistry, environmental geochemistry, digital geological survey methods and techniques

Zhang Li

[email protected]

Marine chemistry, environmental geochemistry, element and isotope geochemistry, orogenic geochemistry

Bi Xiangyang

[email protected]

Study on the sources and environmental effects of lead pollutants

Tang Huayun

[email protected]

Magmatism and craton destruction, continental accretion and evolution

Zong Keqing

[email protected]

Magma and metamorphism in orogenic belts; Lithospheric mantle metasomatism; Precambrian continental crust formation and evolution; Study on determination method of trace elements

Xu Wangchun

[email protected]

Orogenic geochemistry, uplift and evolution of the Tibetan Plateau

Guo Liang

[email protected]

Magmatism; Qinghai-tibet Plateau; Tethyan evolution; Continental crust composition and evolution

Liu Jinling

[email protected]

Environmental geochemical behavior of trace elements; Bioavailability of trace elements

Wang Zaicong

[email protected]

Iron and copper elements geochemistry, crust and mantle evolution, metal mineralization and environmental effects

Guo Jingliang

[email protected]

Physical and chemical properties of the lower continental crust and its formation and evolution history; Precambrian continental crust formation and evolution; High precision in-situ isotopic analysis of accessory minerals

He Detao

[email protected]


Wang Xinshui

[email protected]

Tectonic evolution, magmatic evolution and mineralization of orogenic belts

Wu Fei

[email protected]

Stable isotope geochemistry; Subduction zone material circulation; Mantle magmatic process; Crust-mantle interaction; Paleooceanic evolution

Li Qiwei

[email protected]

Active continental margin magmatic petrogenesis, pale granite petrogenesis, Fe-Mg isotope geochemistry

Zhou Guangyan

[email protected]


Department of Earth Surface System Science

Xie Shucheng

[email protected]

Geobiology: the interaction and co-evolution of organisms and environment in key geological periods; Geomicroorganisms: the study of ancient bacteria and archaea from a molecular and isotopic perspective; Global Change: A study of dry and wet paleoclimate changes and their relationship with ancient civilizations from the perspective of geomicroorganisms

Huang Chunju

[email protected]

Cyclostratigraphy,Quantitative stratigraphy,Global Change,Carbon Cycle,Marine Science

Zhu Zongmin

[email protected]

Global change: Based on magnetic records of cave stalagmites, regional precipitation changes and extreme hydrological events are discussed. Environmental pollution: magnetic means are used to investigate the environmental heavy metal pollution in the supergene zone and trace the pollution sources

Dai Wei

[email protected]

Global climate change in geological history

Yu Qianqian

[email protected]

Biogeochemistry: microbial, mineral, organic interactions and their effects on the transport of rare earth elements, radioactive elements, and heavy metals; Biological environmental materials: development and performance optimization of biological mineral functional materials.

Cao Kai

[email protected]

Tectono-thermochronology, orogenic process of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, basin-mountain relationship

Hong Hanlie

[email protected]

Mineral genetic environmental identification, clay mineralogy, mineral surface chemistry

Yan Sen

[email protected]

Environmental geochemistry and biogeochemistry

Xiao Long

[email protected]

Planetary geology and geomorphology; Planetary chemistry; Science popularization

Zhang Hao

[email protected]

Planetary spectra and luminosity, experimental study of planetary analogue materials, small body detection in the solar system

Li Hui

[email protected]

Remote sensing image processing, LiDAR data processing and analysis, geographic information systems, computer software and applications

He Qi

[email protected]

Planetary geology

Huang Jun

[email protected]

Planetary geology

Chen Weizhe

[email protected]

(1) Simulated reconstruction of holocene climate, surface vegetation and wetland spatial patterns, and (2) assessment of temporal and spatial characteristics, driving factors and impacts of climate change on surface processes.

Yuan Xiaoping

[email protected]

Tectonic geomorphic simulation; Tectonic geology; Geological mechanics

Dai Zhaoyi

[email protected]

Measurement of thermodynamic properties of common important minerals and development of thermodynamic models; Study on mechanism and dynamics of natural crystallization process involving organisms and organic matter; Development of anti-scale surface materials; Geohydrochemistry database establishment and data analysis

Department of Geobiology

Yin Hongfu

[email protected]


Du Yuansheng

[email protected]

Sedimentary geology;Carbonate sedimentology; Sedimentary deposit

Gong Yiming

[email protected]

Fossil relics and geobiology; Devonian and stratigraphic paleontology; Sedimentary geology; Stratigraphic paleontology and sedimentary geology based on big data; Quality education

Feng Qinglai

[email protected]

Micropaleontology, Geobiology, Geology of Southeast Asia, Historical geotectonics, shale gas geology

Tong Jinnan

[email protected]

P-T boundary geology, Triassic paleontology and stratigraphy, coevolution of organisms and environment during major geological mutations

Yan Jiaxin

[email protected]

Carbonate platform evolution and biological evolution; Early diagenesis of carbonate deposition; Paleo-marine significance of carbonate deposits; Carbonate rocks and sedimentary minerals.

Zhang Xionghua

[email protected]

Sedimentary geology

Lai Xulong

[email protected]


He Weihong

[email protected]

Permian-triassic mass extinction, Permian and early Triassic invertebrate fossils, paleoenvironment

Yu Jianxin

[email protected]

Extinction, survival and recovery of terrestrial organisms between Paleozoic and Mesozoic

Gu Songzhu

[email protected]

Permian foraminifera extinction

Xu Ran

[email protected]

Stratigraphy, sedimentology, devonian events

Yuan Aihua

[email protected]

Taxonomy, palaeoecology, palaeogeography and coevolution with environment of micropalaeontological ostracoda

Jiang Haishui

[email protected]

Paleontology, conodont biology, biostratigraphy

Xu Yadong

[email protected]

Cenozoic palynology, sedimentary paleogeography, quantitative changes of paleoclimate and paleo-elevation in the Tibetan Plateau, stable isotope analysis

Chen Lin

[email protected]

Molecular fossil and isotopic analysis of microbiolites at the Permian-Triassic transition

Luo Genming

[email protected]

Evolution of early Earth environment and life

Song Haijun

[email protected]

Paleoenvironmental evolution, extinction events, big data and AI applications in geobiology

Yang Jianghai

[email protected]

Orogenic sedimentary geology, palaeogeomorphology and palaeogeographic reconstruction

Han Fenglu

[email protected]

Origin and evolution of vertebrate paleontology

Chu Daoliang

[email protected]

Study on stratigraphic sequence and biological and environmental events of continental Permian-Triassic boundary; Study on taxonomy and biostratigraphy of phyllopedia fossils from permian-Triassic; Study on the establishment of terrestrial ecosystem in early Mesozoic

Shi Min

[email protected]

Precambrian microbial community composition and microbial behavior, Precambrian eukaryotic origin and evolution

Yu Wenchao

[email protected]

Sedimentary geology, sedimentary deposit

Fan Ruoying

[email protected]


Ye Qin

[email protected]


Yang Mingyu

[email protected]


Department of Structural Geology and Geodynamics

Jin Zhenmin

[email protected]

Rock rheology, upper mantle dynamics, rock deformation experiments at high temperature and high pressure

Wang Guocan

[email protected]

Orogenic belt geology, tectonic chronology, tectonic geomorphology, regional geological survey

Peng Songbai

[email protected]

Orogen ophiolite melange; Petrotectonics; Microstructure; Regional metallogenic prediction and ore field structure;

Zhang Junfeng

[email protected]

Rheology of crust-mantle rocks, high-T,P experiments, rock and mineral physics

Liu Qiang

[email protected]

Partial melting and high temperature and high pressure experiment; Analytic tectonic geology

Liu Demin

[email protected]

Continental dynamics, neotectonics and tectonic geomorphology, applied tectonics

Xu Yajun

[email protected]

Geotectonic sedimentology; Basin-mountain interaction; Tectono-sedimentary evolution; Supercontinent reconstruction

Wang Yongfeng

[email protected]

Rheology of mantle peridotite and its constituent minerals, rheology of granulite in lower crust, fabric and seismic wave properties of upper mantle minerals

Xu Haijin

[email protected]

Ultrahigh temperature metamorphism; Deep melting and evolution of orogenic belts; Crust-mantle interaction in continental subduction zone; Metamorphism and magmatism in the evolution of continental collision orogenic belts

Wang An

[email protected]

Orogenic belt structure and surface geomorphic process

Xu Haijun

[email protected]

Rock deformation microstructure, mineral exsolvation structure, mineral and petrophysics

Yang Baozhong

[email protected]

Sedimentology, paleontology and stratigraphy

Yu Ying

[email protected]

Tectonic geology

Li Zhiyong

[email protected]

Active tectonics and geological hazards, physical and numerical simulation of tectonic deformation process, basin tectonics

Xu Xianbing

[email protected]

Tectonic analysis, seismogeology, tectonic stress field, tectonic chronology and provenance analysis

Cao Shuyun

[email protected]

Orogenic geology, regional tectonic geology, microtectonic geology, tectono-thermochronology, rock deformation and rheology

Wang Dun

Seismology and artificial intelligence seismology

Shen Tianyi

[email protected]

Tectonic process, uplift history and sedimentary evolution of orogenic belts

Wang Junpeng


Precambrian geology, orogen evolution, and structural analysis

Deng Hao

[email protected]

Early crustal growth mechanism, tectonic analysis and magmatic evolution of Precambrian orogenic belt, genetic mechanism of ophiolite

Cao Yi

[email protected]

Microstructure and rheological properties of high-pressure metamorphic rocks and peridotites

Xue Zhenhua

[email protected]

Tectonic evolution of orogenic belt; Theoretical research on the conditions and standards of structural analysis of magnetic fabric; Dynamic process of magma emplacement; Tectonic chronology

Ma Yiming

[email protected]

Paleomagnetic constraints;Plate reconstruction of the South China Block;Recover high-fidelity paleomagnetic field intensity records from ideal rocks

Wen Bin

[email protected]

Palaeomagnetism and palaeocontinents; Quantitative reconstruction of supercontinent and related dynamic evolution and related important paleoclimate events

Zhao Tianyu

[email protected]

Evolution of the Tethys Ocean, the Yangtze and the Precambrian tectonic evolution in Southeast Asia